jeudi 29 octobre 2009

a halloween-witch

samedi 17 octobre 2009

while some had a hard time destranding our car (for the 2nd time)

...others were snacking

...and singing happily behind the wheel!
after a stunt down this dune,
our poor Jeep leaked a lot of water...
...fortunately it was only the washfluid-tube that broke
(why would we need THAT in the desert?)

some visitors...


what's for breakfast???

sunrise at the desertcamp

vendredi 16 octobre 2009

after sunset

is this the perfect campingspot?

oh yes!

while some shovel...

...others have even more fun!

pilot and co-pilot

entrance to the desert...
...followed shortly by a 1st stranding (out of 5)

Desert-camping in Shwaib

mardi 13 octobre 2009